A Review of William Sanders’ book, “Staying: A Multi-Generational Memoir of Rescue and Restoration”

William Sanders true account of his childhood upbringing is at once brutal and shocking. His style is engaging and you immediately feel like you are a part of his unfolding forbidden drama. Of course no child should have to experience the shock of being “abducted” by his own mother but, amazingly, there is redemption in the midst of this tragedy.

Mr. Sanders writing is packed with concise wit, and a sense of discovery that makes the reader feel like they are trapped, innocently, in this tragic and dark situation along with him. As the story unfolds Sanders meticulously reveals a very dark truth about his own life and contrasts it with his relationship with a loving God who reached down into his grim world and miraculously redeems his story.

While the subject matter of this book’s makes it a difficult encounter it also has it’s quirky, funny and inspirational moments. But the story is not just about Bill Sanders’ perilous experience. It’s also a story about us–the proverbial “everyman’s” story.

As father’s we are compelled to think about the fact that despite the evil that is in this world we also have a “heavenly” Father who knows us and loves us—and we can’t help but draw the comparison. We should be the kinds of dads that bring love, security, and joy into our families. If you are a father pick up this riveting tale and let this story be a reminder of the vital role you play in protecting and providing for the needs of your own children.

There are two very distinct themes to this book: 1. We live in a fallen, ugly, wretched world. 2. We have a compassionate, loving Savior who takes bad and somehow makes good out of it. If you are keenly aware of these two realities in your everyday world then you will find the restorative beauty in this seemingly dark yet amazing story of love.

Reviewed By: Mike Farrell

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Staying: A Multi-Generational Memoir of Rescue and Restoration

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