Fatherville Interview: Trisha Roberts, Founder of ProEducationalToys.com

Trisha Profile--GrayFatherville: Hello Trisha, and welcome to Fatherville. To start things off could you please tell our readers what motivated you to start the “Pro Educational Toys” website?

Trisha Roberts: I love to play with toys! Children develop and learn as they play–it’s actually their “work”. I want to provide great toys for parents, grandparents, teachers, and therapists in order to encourage active play with children.

FV: You are a Pediatric Physical Therapist by profession why did you decide to start this new web site?

TR: Physical Therapy with young children is different than therapy with adults. I don’t design an exercise program consisting of weights, elliptical machine, or stationary bike. My babies and I play together using toys and activities to encourage the development of the skills each individual child needs. Sometimes finding just the right toy to motivate the child makes the difference in a successful therapy session. I know toys and I know children. Designing and developing the ProEducationalToys website and ProEducationToys Blog Spot were natural outlets for my message that play should be fun, purposeful and interactive.

FV: Who is your intended target audience for this new website? What is your long term vision and goal for the site?

TR: I hope that parents, grandparent, care providers, therapists, and teachers will read my blogs and visit my website. I would like both sites to be catalysts for encouraging purposeful play with children, stimulating growth and development. I would love to see children engaging in active play and spending less time on electronic devices!

FV: What are some of your other favorite parenting sites? Which sites do you frequent most?

TR: I love that Fatherville is encouraging fathers to take an active role in the raising of their children. That is one of the reasons I wrote my article, “I Don’t Want to Break Her!” A Survival Guide for New Dads. Top Baby Blogs is another great site that lists blog sites of interest to families with young children.

FV: What, in your experience, are some of the biggest challenges parents face today when it comes to raising kids?

TR: Spending undivided time with their children—not with a cell phone in hand, an eye on the television, multi-tasking, or a headphone in place. So many homes have dual working parents and time is a scarce commodity. Engaging children in play allows for great conversations, time for laughter, opportunities to model good character, and to make memories. Teaching children what is important in life—not letting sitcoms, social media, and other outside influences dictate what our children learn and imitate.

FV: Did you have another career prior to being a Pediatric Physical Therapist?

TR: My degree is in Physical Therapy and I have always specialized in pediatrics. My husband and I served as missionaries in the countries of Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Panama where I was privileged to use my Physical Therapy skills as well as engage in a wide variety of other activities including: writing television scripts, taking medical care to extremely rural areas, writing articles for a variety of publications, editing radio broadcasts, rehabilitating injured wildlife and ‘reforesting’ them, teaching English as a second language, and working in a maternity clinic.

FV: Growing up–who were your childhood heroes?

TR: I love many of the stories from the bible, and one of my great heroes is King David. When he was just a boy, he stood up to a giant by the name of Goliath because he believed in a God who was mighty and powerful who enabled him to conquer that giant. I knew that with God on my side all things were possible!

FV: Who are your heroes today?

TR: Stay-at-home mothers and fathers who have decided that raising their children is far more important than the number of “toys” in their garage, the amount of money in their bank account, and the splendor of their house. They have decided to live on less so that they can live more fully and devote themselves to the rearing of their children rather than sending them to a daycare facility to raise. Please don’t misunderstand me—I am not criticizing those who feel that they need to work. There are many families struggling to make ends meet. I just admire those who have made sacrifices in order to dedicate more time to their kids.

FV: Trisha what would you say are your biggest accomplishments to date? What are you most proud of?

TR: Raising children who love God, love their family and friends, and want to make a difference in the world.

FV: Tell us a bit more about yourself. Your passions, hobbies, and goals for the future.

TR: I love to travel, cook, read, hike, geocache, canoe. I am in love with my husband who is my best friend, conspirator, and confidante. I am a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, striving to live a life that shows my gratitude to Him for what He has done for me.

FV: Thank you very much for talking with us and sharing a bit more about your vision for Pro Educational Toys.

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